Post-festum of the twenty-seventh workshop
“What Comes Beyond the Standard Models?"







Organizing Committee:
Norma Susana Mankoč Borštnik, Holger Bech Nielsen, Maxim Yu. Khlopov, Astri Kleppe

Scientific Committee:
John Ellis (CERN and King's College London),
Roman Jackiw (MIT),
Masao Ninomiya (二宮 正夫) (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)

Dear colleague

This is the Post-festum of the twenty-seventh workshop entitled

"What Comes Beyond the Standard Models?"


which is taking place at Bled, Slovenia, from 8th of July 2024 (Monday, arrival day, afternoon) to 17th of July 2024 (Wednesday, departure day, morning), real and "virtual"  (ZOOM)  workshop. We hope that we shall meet at Bled with most of participants in vivo.

The "virtual" part is hosted by Cosmovia, courtesy of Prof. Maxim Yu. Khlopov.

We will also put your presentations on this homepage. As every year, we plan to publish printed Proceedings with the write-ups of your talks in December 2024. Our Proceedings have now a DOI number -- DOI.10.51746/9789612972097 for 2023.
You will receive detailed instructions on this at the end of the virtual workshop and also later. We also expect informational support from MDPI journals Symmetry, Universe, Particles ad Physics and selected invited contributions will be published for free, if accepted, in the corresponding special issues.

After appearing on arxiv, we shall need for that the arxiv number of your talk, the whole proceedings will appear in Scopus.

The following links might be of interest:

  • the links to workshop pages for previous years can be found at .
  • the first and second announcements of this Workshop.
  • home page of the previous 2023 workshop can be found at containing workshop announcements and presentations of most talks, as well as the pdf of the printed workshop Proceedings for 2023. For previous years workshops can be found on analogous URLs by just substituting 2023 with the desired year in the above address for the workshop home page.
  • home page of Cosmovia,, which hosts video conferences at our (and many other) conferences for the last several years, courtesy of Prof. Maxim Yu. Khlopov (on the Cosmovia home page go to the link for Previous - Conferences).



You can download the abstracts of this year's talks here (last update: 6. 7. 2024).



The preliminary programme and the Zoom link can be found here.


Visit the presentations page which is regularly being updated with new material.



The Proceedings are available here. (last update: 12. 2. 2025)


About our workshops

The aim of the workshop is to bring together physicists, who are trying to find the answers to some of these and other open questions from the field of the elementary particles and cosmology and who would enjoy to actively discuss these questions in a small group.

In the last twenty-six years we have organized workshops entitled “What Comes Beyond the Standard Models?" They took place annually in July since 1998, except 2018, which was in June. Each year we spent about ten days, trying to answer these questions in a very pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. We have published twenty-six volumes of Proceedings to these workshops (one in 1999, and then one volume every year since 2001). In the year 2003 we have also organized, in addition and with the help of EURESCO, the conference titled "Euroconference on symmetries beyond the Standard models" from 12. -- 17. of July 2003 in Portorož,Slovenia. Proceedings volume published in 2003 contains write-ups of the talks at this conference.

About the location

Bled is a nice town by the lake of the same name, surrounded by mountains, with many comfortable hotels. Home page of Bled, containing information for in several languages.

The Physical Society together with the Mathematical Society owns a house, whose owner was our well known mathematician Josip Plemelj. This house can accept at most 18 people in 9 rooms. The street location of the house is Presernova cesta 39, Bled. It also has a lecture room for around 20 people. We also can make the hotel reservation, or you can do that by yourself (Bled homepage contains links to hotels). If you want us to do that then, please, let us know very soon.



The workshop is organized by the DMFA (Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia). The workshop is sponsored by DMFA and Department of Physics, FMF, University of Ljubljana with the computer equipment and supported by Beyond Semiconductor, and the last several years by MDPI. Also Niels Bohr institute is supporting the workshops, and all those who are paying the living expenses by themselves, if the institutions do not pay their travel and living expenses as well.